Saturday, 26 December 2015

7 Reasons Why You May Want To Go On A Gluten Free Diet

Like this image, many people do not know what it means to be gluten free. Many just think it is a trend or a health fad. How often have you heard people say things like, "Well my friend from Russia told me that gluten free was healthier for me, so I have gone gluten free?"

Well for the average person going gluten free is not healthier. In fact. if you do not do it correctly you may become malnourished. And it definitely does not help you lose weight. Gluten free products are often higher in calories than their wheat flour counterparts.

So here are 7 reasons why you may want to go on a gluten free diet.

1.   You may have been diagnosed with celiac disease. In this case, it is essential that you maintain a gluten free diet for life. Celiac disease is an auto-immune disease where your body produces abnormal antibodies which affect your gut. Even a small slip ups with your diet can stimulate those abnormal antibodies and make you sick. There is no cure for celiac disease and the only way to stay well is to go on a 100% gluten free diet.

2.   You may have been diagnosed with Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Like celiac disease, this is an auto-immune disease which affects your skin. The only way to control this disease is by going on a 100% gluten free diet for life.

3.   You may have been diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. This is not an auto-immune disease but like lactose intolerance results from you being able to produce enough of the enzyme required to break down the gluten in your gut so you end up feeling unwell when you eat gluten. An allergic person can suffer from mild to severe allergic reactions when they ingest wheat. The best way to avoid the symptoms is to go on a gluten free diet. However, there are some supplements available which can help you break down and digest the gluten in your food. Note, however, these supplements are NOT safe for celiacs or those with Dermatitis Herpetiformis

4.   You may have been diagnosed with a wheat allergy and need to avoid wheat and/or gluten. An allergy occurs because you develop allergy antibodies against the proteins in wheat, much like you would develop an allergy against strawberries etc. Usually, you are allergic to wheat rather than to the gluten proteins in wheat so avoiding wheat is the critical factor here. Depending on which wheat protein you are allergic to you may or may not be able to eat gluten. A skin test will help with the diagnosis

5.   It may be you just feel better without gluten in your diet – perhaps you are an undiagnosed celiac. It is estimated that approximately 80% of people with celiac disease do NOT know they have it. If you feel better on a gluten free diet it is essential to seek medical advice to establish if you have celiac disease or one of the related conditions. Do NOT start on a gluten free diet until you have been properly diagnosed.

6.   You may have read about the health benefits and want to try them out. Maybe you have read that a gluten free diet helps you lose weight or is better for you. Well, if you do not feel better when you go on a gluten free diet, there is probably no need for you to be on one. A gluten free diet is costly and sometimes quite prohibitive, so only go on one if you need to. If you are going on a true gluten free diet, you need to know all the ins and outs of what that entails.

7.   You may be following a fad. Absolutely a gluten free diet has become a fad and it is putting in jeopardy those who really require a gluten free diet for health reasons. That is because the world is becoming quite blasé about it as we saw in a previous blog of mine "Jimmy Kimmel On Gluten". The average person really does not know what it means. My advice is - don't do it unless you have to. 

I have devoted my time to teaching people about what it means to be gluten free so if you want to learn more read my book. "Gluten Free Cooking Guide" which details all you need to know about why you need to go on a gluten free diet and how you do it correctly. Alternatively download for free my top ten tips for achieving a gluten free diet


Saturday, 19 December 2015

The Controversy With Celiac Disease And Oats. Are Oats Gluten Free?

There is a lot controversy and debate as to whether oats can be eaten when you have celiac disease. Some countries allow for oats to be eaten and others do not. There are differing recommendations regarding oats and varying opinions as to whether they are gluten free.  Should oats be classified as containing gluten or not.  Are oats a suitable product to be eaten when you are on a gluten free diet? With all this controversy it is no wonder people are confused.

There are several reasons for this. Avenin is undetectable by current analytical techniques used to detect gluten, and the level is very low anyhow. The other is that oats are often contaminated with gluten from other grains during processing. So it is often debated whether non-contaminated oats should be considered to be gluten free.

In my previous blog I wrote about "What is Gluten?" To summarize, gluten is a collective term used to describe the grain storage proteins known as prolamin and glutelin. Gluten proteins are found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.

It is well acknowledged that the gluten from wheat, barley and rye cause celiac disease and other gluten related diseases, i.e. they are toxic to people with celiac disease. In people with celiac disease, ingestion of these prolamin-glutelin complexes results in an immune reaction which results in celiac disease.  

However, researchers are not so sure whether the gluten found in oats causes the same immune response. There have been several clinical studies done which suggest that it is safe for a person with celiac disease to eat uncontaminated oats. Most people with celiac disease, it seems, may be able to tolerate oats but this fact is still yet to be verified. Health professionals seem to have differing views on this. For example, those in New Zealand believe that small amounts of oats and malt in the diet can be safely consumed by individuals with celiac disease. However health professionals in other countries such as Australia believe that sensitive celiac patients react to these two products as well and that they should not be eaten, nor be considered as part of the gluten free diet.

There is no reliable test for gluten in oats.  The current tests for gluten in food can measure the gluten found in wheat, barley and rye but cannot detect the gluten found in oats because it is a slightly different protein and found in much lower levels.

Accordingly, the Australian Food Standards Code prohibits the use of a ‘gluten free’ claim on oat containing products. The Australian food standard differs to the regulations in NZ, Europe and the USA, where oats can be marketed as ‘gluten free’. More accurately, these ‘gluten free’ oats are the equivalent of oats labelled ‘wheat free’ in Australia, i.e. there is no measurable contamination with wheat, rye or barley.  

Oats which are labelled gluten free must contain less than 20 mg/kg (ppm) of gluten which is a very low almost undetectable level. Companies who produce gluten free oats usually process them on a separate line so cross contamination cannot occur. The reason people want to eat gluten free oats is because they are a cheaper alternative to some of the other gluten free grains.

Can I have uncontaminated gluten free oats on a gluten free diet?

Evidence shows that uncontaminated oats are well tolerated by most people with coeliac disease. However, in some people with celiac disease, oat consumption can trigger a potentially harmful immune response. Please note that the absence of symptoms when consuming oats does not necessarily indicate they are safe – bowel damage can still occur despite the absence of symptoms. It is recommended that individuals who wish to consume oats as part of their gluten free diet do so under medical supervision to ensure appropriate review and safety. Undertaking a gastroscopy and small bowel biopsy before and after 3 months of regular uncontaminated oat consumption can help guide whether an individual with celiac disease can safely consume oats.  

I personally recommend that you err on the side of caution and exclude oats from your diet until research has fully clarified this issue. Oats are not yet definitively proven to be gluten free. Find out more about how to achieve a 100% gluten free diet. Click here 

Hi to all people with celiac disease who would like to be able to eat out safely.

With the Xmas and New Year festive season upon us, I am sure that most of you with celiac disease will be fearful about your health. You will be eating out more often and the risk of gluten contamination is probably very much on your mind. As demonstrated in the YouTube video by Jimmy Kimmel on Gluten, most people do not even know what gluten is, let alone how to achieve 100% gluten free food. Most people think you just have to leave wheat flour out of a recipe and you have a gluten free product. Despite all the laws the hospitality industry is not dealing with it well enough.

Here is a chance to promote my book to your favorite hospitality spots!!

My name is Mary and as a food safety expert, cafe owner and mother of a daughter with celiac disease I have grave concern about the lack of knowledge about what it actually means to be gluten free, I mean 100% gluten free. So I have written some e-books and webinars teaching the HOW OF GLUTEN FREE COOKING. 

One of my e-books is aimed at CAFES and RESTAURANTS because dining out is one of the most feared experiences for a celiac. They lose control of what goes into their food and the risk being "glutened" due to improperly prepared gluten free cooking.

I believe that there is a critical need for education about gluten free cooking in the hospitality industry so I have embarked on a project to try and reach as many cafes and restaurants etc. as I can. If you would like to be part of this project please email me on. and I will set up an affiliate link for you to share in the sales revenue.

I am excited about this project and spreading the word about how to achieve 100% gluten free cooking and would appreciate feedback.

Thanks and Regards 

Mary Laloli
Gluten Free Educator

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Is the Simtomax, Point-of-care (PoCT) Test For Celiac Disease Worthwhile?

Last year, Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Sigma), launched the new Simtomax celiac disease in-pharmacy screening test in Australia. The test can quickly tell patients whether they could potentially have celiac disease or not. The new test, involves a small finger prick blood sample, which is then tested on site at the pharmacy and gives you results in 10 minutes. This new test for celiac disease is available exclusively at Amcal, Amcal Max and Guardian pharmacies in Australia. These pharmacies are all owned by Sigma. Simtomax is available in some other countries as well.

Research has found that celiac disease affects as many as 1 in 60 women and 1 in 80 men in Australia, but is often left undiagnosed due to non-specific symptoms and inadequate testing. Traditional testing involves a clinical history, blood tests sent off to be tested in a laboratory and a biopsy of the small intestine. It is surprising to think that up to 90% of Australian’s who suffer from celiac disease don’t even know they have it.  And that is a dangerous for their long term health.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten in the diet. Left undiagnosed or untreated, people with celiac disease are at an increased risk of osteoporosis, pregnancy complications, cancer and other autoimmune conditions.

The new screening test is simple, non-invasive, readily accessible, and only takes about 10 minutes. Anyone can be screened in pharmacy for celiac disease without having to consult a doctor first. However if the testing is positive, the patient is advised to consult their doctor for follow up testing.

However specialists in the field have raised concerns about point-of-care (PoC) finger-prick testing for celiac disease, currently offered in 440 Australian pharmacies and currently being rolled out to doctors this year. Prior to testing a pre-screening questionnaire assesses symptoms and suitability.

In a letter to the MJA, gastroenterologists, Dr Evan Newnham and Dr Jason Tye-Din said the accuracy of the PoC test Simtomax was less than laboratory based tests, and interpreting the colored line that appears on the device can be difficult. he reports that false positive results occurred in about 10% of PoC celiac tests, with false negatives reported in about 15 to 20%.  Other reports I have read  indicate that the inaccuracy of the test may be even higher than this.

However, James Nevile, a spokesperson for Sigma, which owns Amcal and Guardian pharmacies, said the AU $45 test was not meant to be a diagnostic tool. “What we’re trying to do is drive patients toward seeing a GP. It’s certainly not about any removal of the role of the GP,” he said. And I believe that is good thing. 

However Dr Tye-Din, chair of Celiac Australia’s medical advisory committee and a researcher at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, said he was concerned about self-diagnosis, which “could potentially mean a lot of people are starting gluten-free diets unnecessarily”. This is because it is reported that the new Simptomax celiac disease in-pharmacy screening test is only 49% accurate when it comes to positive results, which means more than half the people the test says have celiac disease actually don't.

Despite this, I believe that PoC tests are a good indicator for someone with chronic bloating or tiredness especially those people who avoid going to the GP.  Anyone who had a positive test or persistent symptoms must be encouraged to see their GP for further testing.  Being encouraged to see a doctor is a good thing.

The fact that there is so many people with undiagnosed celiac disease is certainly a worry because these people can end up with life threatening illness, so anything that gets them to be celiac disease aware must be good in my view.  We need to reach out to these undiagnosed cases and get them to seek medical attention. A positive test will no doubt lead them on to seek medical treatment where an accurate diagnosis can be made.  But what about the false negative results?
Dr Sue Hookey, a Melbourne-based GP, said her greatest concern was with false negative results.
“People think they can keep eating gluten and this could have a real impact on their quality of life.”  

The validity of the test has not been proven as being reliable for a general population screening tool.  In fact, as of late last year, researchers at Royal Liverpool Hospital in the UK, when using the test on 112 patients at high risk of celiac disease,  recommended that it should not be used as screening test because it had low sensitivity (too many false negatives).

I also think that this is a huge risk because celiac disease is a great “mimicker” and could be missed if people who had a negative PoC test were not referred for further investigation as well. The symptoms of celiac disease are usually quite obvious. The symptoms of celiac disease could include any of the following:
·         Diarrhoea
·         Joint or muscle pain
·         Bloating/Abdominal pain
·         Heavy painful periods
·         Constipation
·          Headaches
·         Chronic mouth ulcers
·         Acne
·         Unexpected weight loss
·         Bulky stool
·         Itchy skin rash
·         Brittle nails

But if you are asymptomatic and do not have the obvious symptoms, celiac disease could be overlooked until it is too late to do anything about it? Some of the signs to look for and consider in asymptomatic celiac disease are:

  • Pre-existing type 1 diabetes (10% also have celiac disease)
  • A direct relative (parent, sibling) with type 1 diabetes or celiac disease
  • Low iron
  • Unstable glucose levels in diabetics
  •  Growth issues in children

So to answer the question is the simtomax point-of-care (PoCT) test for celiac disease worthwhile? I believe the answer is yes because it raises people's awareness of celiac disease. However results should be interpreted with caution and any positive results followed up with proper testing from a doctor prior to the person starting on a gluten free diet.

A person with a negative result and obvious symptoms of celiac disease should also be encouraged to consult a doctor. The symptoms may or may not be due to celiac disease. It is important to get a proper diagnosis for the root cause of the problem and more sinister illness like bowel cancer and IBS - Irritable Bowel syndrome etc. need to be investigated as well as celiac disease. Only a doctor can do that.

If you are diagnosed with celiac disease the only treatment is to go on a gluten free diet for the rest of your life. If you need help transforming your home into a gluten free zone , read my book, "What is Gluten Free? it will give you all the guidelines you need to start your gluten free journey.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Gluten Free Play Dough For Children with Celiac Disease

Every child loves to play with play dough. But can children with celiac disease play with it? Well the answer is no. children with celiac disease cannot play with normal play dough made with flour containing gluten.

There is some research which suggests gluten is absorbed through the skin, but the biggest risk is that the child will inadvertently ingest some of the play dough when their imagination goes wild! The other risk is that they will cross contaminate their food with traces of gluten which get trapped under their nails or on their clothes.

So best to keep children with celiac disease away from play dough made with gluten containing flour. The good news is though you can make up a batch of gluten free play dough especially for your children with celiac disease.

There is no need if your child to miss out because here is an easy to make gluten free play dough recipe which is every bit as good as the real thing. 

These are the ingredients:

½ cup rice flour ½ cup corn starch ½ cup salt 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cup water1 teaspoon cooking oil Food coloring, as desired


1)    Mix ingredients in a pot
2)    Cook and stir on low heat for 3 minutes or until it forms a ball
3)    Cool completely before storing in a seal-able plastic bag

 A word of advice for parents, care givers and teachers. Ensure that when children with celiac disease are playing with their play dough that they are settled on a table away from the normal gluten containing play dough. This requires supervision. It is easy for cross contamination to occur. Other kids may want to share their own play dough, or use the gluten free pay dough after handling the gluten one.

 In fact it would probably be easier to manage if ALL play dough was made from the gluten free recipe if you have children with celiac disease you are teaching or caring for. Remove the risk and all the kids can play happily together and have lots of fun!!

To find out more about how to provide a 100% gluten free diet for children with celiac disease click here "What Is Gluten Free?"


Sunday, 29 November 2015

Prepare Gluten Free Stuffing For The Whole Family

Prepare Gluten Free Stuffing For The Whole Family

Chicken and turkey taste best when stuffed, but what do you do when you have a celiac in your family? Quite simple really, make a gluten free stuffing which is easy, delicious and enjoyable for all the family. My daughter has celiac disease so I always prepare our Xmas turkey with gluten free stuffing.

The ingredients include:

3 tablespoons of softened butter
1 loaf gluten free bread
1 bunch parsley
1 large onion
2 eggs
Salt and pepper
1 large fresh chicken or 1 small turkey – no additives

*Adjust the amounts for birds of other sizes

1) Put the bread into a food processor and finely crumb it
2) Put the bread into a mixing bowl
3) Put the parsley into the food processor and finely chop it
4) Add parsley to breadcrumbs
5) Place the onion into the food processor and finely chop it
6) Add onion to breadcrumbs
7) Add about 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon ground pepper
8) Mix together with a large spoon
9) Add eggs to bind the mixture
10) Add the butter chopped into small pieces so it is evenly mixed through the mixture
11) Remove any oval bits from the chicken/turkey and wash with water
12) Stuff the chicken/turkey so that the stuffing is full at the opening of the bird
13) Rub the chicken/turkey with olive oil and coat the top of the stuffing with the oil as well so it crisps.
14) Cook for the recommended time at 1800C
15) Serve with your favorite vegetables and gluten free cranberry sauce for the turkey.

Note: If making gravy use gluten free cornflour.

Enjoy this plain and simple recipe which has been a favorite in my family for generations. For all information on how to make gluten free cooking simple for your family check out my book. Gluten Free Cooking Guide 

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Gluten in Beauty Products and Personal Hygiene Products

One of the common concerns among people who have celiac disease is cross contamination with gluten. To prevent cross contamination it is not enough to just eliminate gluten from your diet: you also have to make sure it is not present in in other material you use because gluten can lurk in a variety of products including beauty products, skin care items, personal hygiene products and make-up. It iis important to have a gluten free beauty routine!!

 So is gluten absorption through the skin?

Gluten is a large protein molecule which cannot be absorbed through the skin. However, people with celiac disease still have to be careful about their beauty products, skin care products personal hygiene products and makeup. It is important to check if they have gluten in them. This is because of the risk of cross contamination because you may end up with the products on your hands and touch your mouth later and swallow the gluten component. Or you may contaminate your food with gluten if you have just applied them to your skin and then prepare food or eat without washing your hands.

 Items such as lipsticks or glosses that are used on your mouth can easily be swallowed, so if they contain gluten you may experience a reaction to gluten. Furthermore, your toothpastes and mouthwashes can have gluten and cause a reaction if you swallow them. Shampoos and face-washes are also a risk if they contain gluten because it is easy to accidentally get them in your mouth and swallow.
It is therefore important to check the ingredient list for every beauty product you use. If you are still worried about the gluten content, then you may want to contact the manufacturer directly and ask them about what ingredients are in their products. It is also important to keep in mind that the ingredients can change over time, and manufacturers do not always announce the modifications.

If you have started on a gluten free diet and have not experienced an improvement in health it may be that you have a source of hidden gluten somewhere in your life which is causing cross contamination.  It is important to eliminate gluten from beauty products, skin care items, personal hygiene products and make-up.

Despite multiple reassurances from doctors and researchers that gluten is too large to be absorbed through the skin, many people with celiac disease report problems with beauty, skin care products and make-up that have gluten in them. One of the most frequent complaints is a skin rash or hives. Although cross contamination and touching your mouth with fingers covered in a product with gluten can account for some of these reactions, there are still questions. Dr. Michael F. Picco points out that several problems may be occurring at the same time. First, you may have an additional allergy to gluten that is responsible for the skin reaction. Second, you may be experiencing dermatitis herpetiformis, which is a common symptom of celiac disease, and causes hives, blisters and other skin issues.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Jimmy Kimmel On Gluten - Gluten Free Is No Laughing Matter!!

I found this video by Jimmy Kimmel On Gluten Free
This video really reflects what I know to be true. People DO NOT know what gluten is or HOW to achieve a 100% gluten free diet!! That is why I have started to devote my life to teaching people. I have a daughter with celiac disease and owned for many years a cafe which specialized in gluten free.
I agree with the other 2 people who have commented here that it is no laughing matter and that people who are celiac or suffer from any of the other gluten-related illnesses are at serious risk from this blasé attitude.

For those of you who want to know what gluten is - read my post:
If you would like to join me in spreading the word about gluten and what it takes to be gluten free I have written books and training webinars which you could become an affiliate for. Contact me on
Thanks Mary

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Does a Rotavirus Infection Increase the Chance of the Patient Developing Celiac Disease?

My third daughter developed celiac disease at 17 after a really severe case of whooping cough. At 2 she had a really nasty case of rota virus which required her to be hospitalize for 1 week on a drip to re-hydrate. (None of my other 3 children were infected)  I have often wondered if her infection with rota virus was the cause of her celiac disease.

 A recent study by the US national Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health concluded "This prospective study provides the first indication that a high frequency of rota virus infections may increase the risk of celiac disease autoimmunity in childhood in genetically predisposed individuals."

When you understand the way viruses invade the body you can appreciate that this is possibly true. When a virus first invades the body it infects a host cell – this time the cells of the gut. When it is in its active phase the virus takes over the host cell and replicates, causing cell lysis and the subsequent symptoms associated with rota virus. This is called the LYTIC phase of virus replication.  When the body begins to recover the virus enters the LATENT phase where replication of the virus ceases and the virus genetic material (either DNA or RNA becomes embedded in the nucleus of the host cell. The viral genetic material becomes part of the host cell and replicates at the same time as the host genetics. But unfortunately the presence of the viral DNA alters the genetics of the host cell and in the case of rota virus causes the gut cells to trigger celiac disease.

This trigger may be due to the fact that an immune response to viral infections may play a role in the development of celiac disease. The immune system recognizes that there is an "invade" within the host gut cells and produces antibodies against the gut cell in order to deactivate the virus and  destroy the host cell.

This effect is being investigated at the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center. Researchers there are evaluating whether or not certain viruses trigger immune reactions that lead to celiac disease in susceptible individuals. The study is ongoing, but what they have found so far is interesting:

• Certain viruses can cause the immune system to “overreact.” If this reaction is prolonged or repeated, it may cause someone to lose the ability to tolerate gluten.

• Different celiac patients had different immune responses to the same infection. This may help explain why symptoms vary so much from one person with celiac disease to another.

• Certain viruses, such as rotavirus, are more likely to trigger these particular immune responses.

If viruses are found to contribute to the development of celiac disease, the discovery could open up avenues for prevention.  We may be able to vaccinate against these viruses and prevent the onset of celiac disease in certain individuals. This may be of particular importance to relatives of people with celiac disease. They are at higher risk for developing the disease. Treatments such as this may sound far off, but a vaccination already exists for rota virus. If this virus is found to be one of the triggers for celiac disease, a simple vaccination may help prevent celiac disease in susceptible individuals.

Although the University of Chicago’s research is not yet published, it appears the authors felt the findings are significant enough to do a  preliminary release of their data. This is promising news for the celiac community, as it focuses attention on prevention of celiac disease for future generations.

My personal view is that rota virus had an important role in making my daughter susceptible to celiac disease – no one else in my family (I have 4 children) have had rota virus and no one else has celiac disease. I believe that my daughter's whooping cough finally triggered her celiac disease which had been sitting there inactive since she was 2.

But mean while we are lucky to have the gluten-free diet as a treatment. My daughters celiac disease is very much in control with her very strict diet.  A gluten free diet must be 100% and takes knowledge to implement. I have written a guide to show you how. Buy Now 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

What is gluten and is gluten bad for us?

There is a lot of discussion about it, but actually, we should ask ourselves what is gluten and   is gluten bad for us? Well, the fact is gluten isn't necessarily bad, but some people are gluten intolerant, meaning their bodies produce an abnormal immune response when it breaks down gluten from wheat and related grains during digestion.

People who have this abnormal immune response have celiac disease. Others may be gluten intolerant or have a wheat allergy.  About 1-2 % of the world's population have celiac disease but this rate may vary from country to country. This group of people must not eat gluten, but for the rest of us, it is an important part of our diet.

To a person who is not gluten intolerant, gluten will do us no harm. In fact, gluten is good because worldwide, gluten is a source of protein, both in foods prepared directly from it (bread etc.)  and as an additive to foods which are low in protein. Glutens are an essential part of the modern food industry and part of the stable diet of many cultures.

Just look at the Italians with their pasta and pizzas and you know what I mean. If the world stopped producing products with gluten, thousands of people, especially in developing countries, would die of starvation.

Gluten comes from the Latin word gluten, meaning glue. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. Many products are made from gluten such as bread, cereals, pasta, cakes, biscuits and pizza.

 Wheat Eyres

Click Here for Free Report: 

10 tips on how to implement a gluten free diet successfully 

Technically speaking, gluten is a protein complex found in related grasses within the tribe Triticeae which includes wheat and related grains, barley and rye. Like the fruit of most flowering plants, Triticeae have endosperms with stored protein to nourish embryonic plants during germination. Seed glutens of some of the on-Triticeae plants, such as oats, have similar properties to those produced by the tribe Triticeae. There are 2 genera which are known to produce gluten which has detrimental health effects for some:

  • Triticum (found in wheat, rye, barley)
  • Avena (found in oats)
The seed proteins produced by the tribe Triticeae can be divided into four groups:
                  1) albumin
                  2) globulin
                  3) prolamin
                  4) glutelin

All 4 of these proteins are involved in wheat allergies, however, it is only the prolamin and the glutelin which cause the damage in celiac patients. The proteins found in the Triticeae tribe of grains are involved in several human diseases:

                        1) In Celiac Disease and other Autoimmune Diseases  
                        2) Gluten Sensitivity/Intolerance 
                        3) Gluten Allergy in general

Avenin found in oats is toxic to the intestinal mucosa of avenin-sensitive individuals, and can trigger a reaction in these celiacs.

Prolamin-Glutelin complexes

Prolamin and glutelin bond together to form Prolamin-Glutelin complexes which are defined as gluten. It is specifically the amino acid sequences in the prolamin, a component of gluten, that cause the reaction in celiacs.

Prolamins are slightly different in each type of grain:

       In true wheat (Triticum) it is called gliadin - constitutes 40-50%, of total proteins in wheat grain

       In food rye (Secale) it is called secalin -constitutes 30-50%, of the total protein in rye grain

       In food barley (Hordeum) it is called hordein - constitutes 35-45% of the total protein in barley

       Oats (Avena) also has prolamin called avenin which only constitutes 10-15% of the protein in oat grain

Glutelin is also different in each species:

       In wheat; it is called glutenin
       In barley; it is barley glutelin
       In rye; it is rye glutelin
       In oats; it is oat glutelin

Note: Gluten free grains such as teff, millet, rice, corn, buckwheat, and sorghum, also contain prolamins and glutelins. But in these products, the prolamins and glutelins are made up of different amino acid sequences that aren’t considered to be gluten which cause health problems. These grains don’t cause a reaction in gluten sensitive people.

So what is gluten? It is a vital protein which makes up a large proportion of the world's food source. Is gluten bad for us? Well only if you have been diagnosed with one of the gluten-related illnesses. Experts worry, however, that going on a gluten free diets without explicitly needing to could be detrimental to a person's health, as gluten free foods are often deficient in vital nutrients. For expert advice on how to avoid gluten click this link.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Should Cafes and Restaurants Charge More For Gluten Free Meals?

A California woman is suing an Arizona-based restaurant chain, P.F. Chang, over the extra charges it levies on gluten free meals. The suit against them contends that the extra $1 charged by P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Inc. for gluten free menu items infringes the Americans with Disabilities Act because most people who order a gluten free meal have a medical need to eat gluten free food due to celiac disease or gluten intolerance. The suit also says the additional charges are implemented even when the gluten free meal is by nature gluten-free ( e.g. meat and vegetables) and therefore incurs no cost.

The suit was initially filed in December 2014 in Santa Clara County Superior Court by Anna Marie Phillips. The suit has since been moved by the restaurant to the federal court in San Jose. As well as compensatory damages, the plaintiff is seeking class-action status, injunctive relief, restitution, civil penalties and punitive damages.
So the question "should cafes and restaurants charge more for gluten free meals" is open to debate and the decision made by the court could have far reaching ramifications.
My personal opinion coming from the point of view of a café owner who provided a gluten free menu, and as a mother of celiac daughter and now as a coach and mentor on the subject is yes they are fully within their right to do so because it certainly costs more to provide gluten free food, even if it is made from ingredients that are naturally gluten free.
For one thing, gluten free substitutes such as gluten free bread, gluten free cereals gluten free flours unquestionably cost more in the supermarkets. If this case succeeds, will these gluten free products also become subject to a class-action by celiac sufferers? Or are most celiac sufferers willing to pay that little bit more to get the range of products now available on the supermarket shelves which they know are safe to eat. Remember that most countries have laws regarding gluten free labeling which is an additional cost to production.

The other fact to take into consideration when a café or restaurant offers a gluten free menu is  that it is not just about serving food made from gluten free ingredients (including naturally gluten free products), It is more about the principals behind serving 100% gluten free food.

When preparing gluten free food it is imperative to prevent cross contamination and this is where the extra costs in production arises. Hospitality staff need to be taught how to prepare and serve the food so it remains 100% gluten free food. I think paying a little extra when you need 100% gluten free food is well worth it for the peace of mind it brings.  

The FDA's gluten-free rule also applies to pre-packaged foods sold in some retail and take away food service outlets The FDA also says that given the public health significance of gluten free label
ling, restaurants making a gluten free claim on their menus should be consistent with FDA's definition. Responsible cafes and restaurants take this legal obligation very seriously and this quality requirement costs to implement.
For more information on the how of 100% gluten free cooking contact me on or read my book aimed and cafes and restaurants : 

Gluten Free Guide for Cafés and Restaurants Safe Preparation and Serving of Gluten Free Foods

I would be interested also on hearing your views on the topic: Should Cafes and Restaurants Charge More For Gluten Free Meals?

Saturday, 31 October 2015

I am concerned that there is a general lack of understanding about what it means to be gluten free.

I am concerned that there is a general lack of understanding about what it means to be gluten free.

I visited a local café recently to buy my celiac daughter a gluten free cake as a treat. It was her birthday and I wanted to spoil her. The local café promoted its gluten free products particularly its delightful home cooked gluten free cakes and biscuits.

The cakes were temptingly displayed but the first thing I observed which made me suspicious was that the gluten free cakes were displayed on a shelf under where a particularly crumby "gluten" cake was displayed. I selected my gluten free cakes together with some "gluten" cakes for the rest of my family.

To my dismay the young lass serving first picked up the "gluten" cake with her tongs and put them into a cake box, and then used the same tongs to pick up the gluten free cakes which she put into the same box as the "gluten" cake.

Horrors of horrors. These so called gluten free cakes were consequently not gluten free at all. Perhaps they never were. Who knows what safeguards were taken to stop them from being cross contaminated with gluten during the baking process.

This young girl had no idea what she was doing. She had not been trained properly about the responsibilities of providing gluten free food. She was rather taken aback when I informed her that the cakes she was serving me were not gluten free and that I no longer required them.

And so I embarked on my journey to teach as many people as I can about what it really means to be gluten free. To teach then the consequences of getting it wrong by not providing 100% gluten free food when you say it is.

I have written 2 e-books- one for the home and one for cafes and restaurants.  I have also written some training webinars and courses. I am in the process of rolling these training programmes out and I am looking for joint venture partners who may be interested in joining me to spread the word.

Contact me at for further information. Or click on the above if you simply want to buy the books and learn what it really means to be 100% gluten free

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Is Eating Gluten Free Just A Health Fad?

The number of people who now say they are gluten free is definitely on the rise. But are people sticking to a gluten free diet simply because it has become the latest health fad, or do they simply feel better without gluten in their diet?

Unless you are diagnosed with one of the gluten related conditions which include celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy it is not necessary to consume a gluten free diet and it may even be harmful to you.

Wheat or gluten in the diet is often blamed as the cause of a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Common complaints include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloating and excessive wind, as well as lethargy, poor concentration and general aches and pains. Feeling better when wheat or gluten is removed from the diet does not necessarily mean the person has celiac disease or any of the related conditions. A doctor needs to be consulted to investigate all potential causes for these symptoms.

If you feel better when you do not eat gluten you may suffer from one of the gluten related diseases. It is estimated that up to 80% of people with celiac disease are not diagnosed yet. It is advisable that you see your doctor to ascertain if you have one of the diseases discussed. REFER TO THE CELIAC CHECKLIST.  It is critical for your long term health to be properly diagnosed.

Do not go on a gluten free diet until you have consulted a doctor because it may affect the results.

A recent survey from the NPD Group, a market research firm which tracks eating trends reported that 11% of U.S. households follow a gluten free diet, but only 25% of those living in a gluten free home indicate that celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is the reason for the gluten free diet.

There also seems to be a common misconception that a gluten free diet is healthier or that it promotes weight loss. In fact the reverse may be true. Gluten free products may in fact be higher in calories than their non-gluten counterparts, especially baked goods. There is also the risk of developing nutrient deficiency if you omit gluten from your diet. If you go on a gluten free diet it is essential you do so knowing all the nutritional facts associated with it.

It is true that people are abandoning bread and gluten in droves. But wheat has been one of the most important crops for centuries, and wheat has been a staple part of our diet for thousands of years. So why is it now seen as such a toxic substance and so threatening to our health?

Is it because wheat available today has been genetically engineered and developed properties unlike its ancient predecessor? As a population are we simply eating too much gluten in the form of additional additives which bakers add to bread to get the chewy texture we so love? Is it the increased use of refined flours? Or is it the move away from fermentation of bread to the commercial mechanical mixing of dough which alters the gluten structure? Or is it because it is just a passing fad?

Or is it even the gluten which is causing these symptoms in individuals who have not been diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity?

An Australian researcher into gluten sensitivity, Peter Gibson, of Melbourne's Monash University said that their study has shown that, in people with gut symptoms who have had some relief with the gluten free diet, it is not the gluten that is the culprit, but it is more likely to be FODMAPs'

The study conducted by Gibson suggested that short-chain carbohydrates called FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) might be the factor leading to the symptoms such as bloating and gut distress and not the gluten as commonly thought. According to Gibson, people mistakenly believe they are gluten sensitive, because they felt better for avoiding wheat, but in actual fact that is because wheat has a high percentage of FODMAPs and it is avoiding the FODMAPs which is making them feel better.

Why gluten has been blamed is that people do often improve with a gluten free diet because wheat, rye and barley, the three cereals that contain gluten, all have high amounts of FODMAPs in them. Unfortunately, wheat has been recognised as containing gluten and, with the media hype and film stars etc. pushing gluten-free, it is quite understandable that people think it is the gluten that was the villain. Wheat contains more than just gluten.